Monday, January 14, 2008

Thursday, Jan 10: Life in El Corpus

El Corpus is just an hour outside Choluteca, nestled along the mountain. The streets are cobblestones and is probably centuries old. I snapped this cute picture of boys walking to school one morning as Gene and I were heading out for the day.

I lived with a fantastic family: Gernara and Alfredo. Their house has beautiful views of the foothills and steller sunsets. I took this picture one evening as we were eating dinner on their patio.

The people were amazing. Some traveled 2-4 hours in the morning to be seen by us. The dental clinic took the first 28 people for each day, and then told the rest they may not be seen. Each day we saw more and more people. One day we treated 38 people... thank goodness for Advil! I snapped the picture below of a father and son during our lunch break.
And the bugs: there were plenty of critters. Especially super large grasshoppers. This picture was taken outside the clinic in Madrugales. It quickly jumped and flew away; it was so large that it looked like a bird flying!

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